Purchasing Cooperatives / Leasing
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Contact us 24/7 will be happy to answer any questions and help you get the security needed in today's world.

Choice Partners
National Purchasing Cooperative
Choice Partners national purchasing cooperative offers procurement and contract solutions to meet government purchasing requirements. Staff at Choice Partners complete the legal, competitively bid government procurement process so YOU can act immediately to access the contract YOU need, saving time and money on the bidding process and purchase. Dowley’s contract award through Choice Partners national cooperative includes:
· Technology products: Security, Including Video Surveillance Systems and Related Items, Access Control, Intrusion and Life Safety Alarms
ESC-Region 19 Allied States Cooperative
Allied States Cooperative awarded Dowley Security Systems, Inc. RFP #23-7452 Technology, Hardware, Software, Services and Related which is now available to you!
If you are looking for an experienced technology provider, take a look at Dowley Security Systems, Inc. with 16 years in the business.
While Dowley Security Systems installs, services and maintains equipment within 75 miles (or so) of Houston, many of our customers are increasingly installing and servicing their own equipment and many have full time technicians on staff.
In either case, if you are such an organization we're here for you. Our PCA Contract enables you to buy at best pricing and just as importantly, compliantly.
EPIC6 Cooperative Purchasing
Dowley is a vendor partner of the EPIC6 Purchasing Coop in order to facilitate the procurement process for Fire Safety and Security Solutions between the "Member Buyers" (public school districts, private schools, charter schools, colleges, and universities, cities, and municipalities, counties, state agencies), and the “Vendors” through pre-negotiated contracts enabling the “Member Buyers” to receive better value.
There is no cost for membership and open to all K-12 School Districts, Colleges and Universities, Cities and Municipalities, Counties, State Agencies, Private Schools, and Charter Schools in the State of Texas.
Region 2 ESC
Goodbuy Purchasing Cooperative
Dowley is a vendor partner of the goodbuy Purchasing Coop in order to facilitate the procurement process for Security Solutions between the "Member Buyers" (public school districts, private schools, charter schools, colleges, and universities, cities, and municipalities, counties, state agencies), and the “Vendors” through pre-negotiated contracts enabling the “Member Buyers” to receive better value.
There is no cost for membership and open to all K-12 School Districts, Colleges and Universities, Cities and Municipalities, Counties, State Agencies, Private Schools, and Charter Schools in the State of Texas.
Contract Number:
23-24 4U000 Security: School/Student Systems/Equipment/Service
Purchasing Cooperative of America
Purchasing Cooperative of America awarded Dowley Security Systems, Inc. Contract OD-366-22 - Security Systems which is now available to you!
If you are looking for an experienced Security Equipment/Technology provider, take a look at Dowley Security Systems, Inc. with 16 years in the business.
While Dowley Security Systems installs, services and maintains equipment within 75 miles (or so) of Houston, many of our customers are increasingly installing and servicing their own security equipment and many have full time technicians on staff.
In either case, if you are such an organization we're here for you. Our PCA Contract enables you to buy at best pricing and just as importantly, compliantly.
Region 7 ESC Cooperative Purchasing
Dowley is a vendor partner of the Region 7 ESC Purchasing Coop
Let Region 7 Purchasing Cooperative help your district's procurement process by providing 39 categories of items to be bid that meet the requirements of the Texas Education Agency Audit Division and the Attorney General's Anti-Trust Office.
Please note that Region 7 Purchasing Cooperative strives to provide your district with a vast selection of vendors that have undergone a legal bid process. Dowley is an awarded Technology Vendor.
The Inter-Local Purchasing System
Dowley offers a full range of Fire Safety and Security Solutions under our Contract No. 18020401 with The Interlocal Purchasing System, better known as, TIPS Purchasing Cooperative. All TIPS contracts are awarded by the ESC 8 seven-member Board of Directors, and each TIPS vendor has met strict Competitive Bidding Process guidelines established by the ESC 8 administration and the TIPS legal team.
Additional Contracts:
CONTRACT: 220105
Technology Solutions Products and Services
End Date: May-31-2027
CONTRACT: 21020401
Fire, Firearm, and Active Shooter Safety and Security Solutions
End Date: Apr-30-2024
CONTRACT: 220305
Transportation Vehicle Parts and Services
End Date: Nov-30-2024
Visit the Dowley Security Systems TIPS cooperative purchasing information HERE

Canon Financial Services, Inc.
Dowley offers customized system leasing options through our leasing partner, Canon Financial Services, Inc. (CFS). Be it a need to conserve working capital or the requirement to finance an unexpected and unbudgeted capital expense, CFS offers customized solutions including 100% - fixed-rate financing in a “pay for it as you use it” leasing environment.
Did you find what you need?
Contact us 24/7 we are happy to answer any questions and help you get the security needed in today's world.